Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I have created a new Blog

Hello there..

I am happy to tell you that I have created another blog - BloggingBug.com

This is a professional blog, which guides bloggers. As far as I know, it is the only brutally honest blogging guide out there. There are other guides which are informative, but they have some problems -

  1. They only tend to share success stories
  2. They won't tell their revenue
  3. They are ambiguous about their revenue sources
  4. They rarely talk about their own strategy, plans and expectations
  5. They do not share information about their own blog (customization, plugins, theme etc)
Seeing those limitations, I decided to do it myself. I hope I can provide some value to the readers.

Have fun!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Think #1

If someone asks you to believe in something, without offering an explanation, most likely they don't have one!

Do yourself a favor. Show some respect to the God, who gave you brains. Start asking questions and seek answers.

Your parents may have taught you things. You may have learned things from teachers or elders. But that does not make those things right. Don't forget, long ago, SOMEBODY came up with those things. And they were the ones who did not believe in what their parents and teachers and elders had taught them.

Yes. It takes courage. You run the risk of getting outcasted. But if you don't do it, what difference does your life make?

Don't do things just because someone tells you to. That's not how the mankind has reached so far. Faith is good, if placed in a tested place. If something doesn't present itself to be tested, it isn't worth your faith.

Things get more murky and difficult when it comes to religion and God. But that isn't where you should fail to act. If you cannot speak against something, at least make sure you don't become a part of it. If you cannot question in public, at least do it in privacy.

Take care.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Delhi gang rape and reactions..

By now, you must have heard of the Delhi gang rape case. Most unfortunate incident as it was, I was more alarmed by the reactions that came from the crowd. Newspapers, social media, electronic media, everyone is talking about harsh punishments. Some went as far as applying the Shariah law. What are we trying to achieve by that? Revenge?

Just think if capital punishment is really the solution here. Saudi Arabia and Iran are repeatedly being named as examples to follow in this area. But have they been able to stop rapes? Is it really good to go in that direction when the rulers of Saudi Arabia are trying to make their societies more moderate? Publically killing somebody will only make society insensitive. Where it is practiced, people tend to be more cruel, brutal and barbaric. Places where death penalties are carried out in clean manner and not celebrated publically, people tend to be more sensitive, even about smaller things.

Other popular take is blaming women for not dressing properly. But the fact is, women are victimized most where the dress “properly”, that is, keep themselves covered and never show their face to a strange man. UP, Bihar, Rajasthan are some examples. Because covering women (as they say, like precious diamonds) makes them seen as objects. No matter how precious, but physical objects at your mercy.

Remember, animals live all their lives stark naked, and they never rape! We are humans and can certainly do better. As they say – “If you say the girl is raped because her clothes provoke the rapist, then I should break your face because your stupidity provokes me!”

What we should do, then? Teach your children to respect women, irrespective of their clothes or jobs. But before that, YOU must learn to respect them. If you think they should be covered, then I think you should be chained.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Delusion of Work

In my experiences with life, I have found many ways we use trying to avoid doing work. These may be intentional, may be not. There are times when we can recognize that we are feeling particularly lazy or not in the mood to do something. In such condition, all we have to do is to produce excuses for the world. But we know that we are just being lazy. There is no other real reason.

And there are other conditions. When we want to be busy. When we want to be doing something. It’s just that this ‘something’ does not match with the task we have at hand. So what do we do? We create delusion of working. Like I am creating right now.

When I looked hard enough, I found an interesting array of excuses we use for fooling ourselves. Like waiting. For next morning, next Monday, next month, next year etc. Or we try to come up with more important tasks. If we can’t find them, we make them up! If nothing else works, suddenly we have an urge of getting everything in order. Then we go for unimportant tasks which were pending for months, like cleaning the room. One other option is to realize the importance of small things in life, like reading newspapers.

Why do we have to do all this? Why can’t we just accept “I don’t want to do this and I would rather sleep than doing this!”. Reason is – we know the importance of the task in hand. We know, in one way or other, we have to do it. But we just want to justify not doing it to ourselves. And in my experience, that always leads to bitter results.

So when you feel like giving excuses to yourself, just don’t! If you only need to give excuses to others, it’s okay J